Easy Car Care Tips.Timing Belt change.

Timing Belt Is a very important piece parts. Have been assembled inside the engine. This piece is from the old vehicle to the current engine. The importance of this part. Link the various mechanisms that are interrelated and work perfectly. If bad or the wrong timing will affect the engine immediately.

 Car is currently used timing belt that Toyota will be notified (diesel) will have the T-BELT show up on the gauge so you know it's time to be of service is everything. 150,000 miles, but in the older engines will alert me every 100,000 kilometers.

Gasoline engine used in the past that the timing belt . ( I currently use a chain ) will need to be serviced every 100,000 miles but there is no warning. So you must understand that car owners need to be replaced every 100,000 kilometers ( see the manual car) then make a note of it . If no service If the belt has been damaged or broken then there's the Zen 
transmission driving badly. It would cause a deficiency in an instant. Disable the engine In some versions of the engine will be damaged that much. And an event like this has happened .

By  http://carcaretrick.blogspot.com/  

Easy Car Care Tips. Care car seat leather.

Care car seat leather. Treatment of the leather is always very good condition. Should be cleaned regularly every two weeks, and to prolong the lifetime. Therefore recommend cleaning methods below.


1. Soft Cotton Fabrics
2. Liquid dishwashing general  

3. Warm water 30 ํc (30 degrees Celsius).

Cleaning car seat leather.

Dishwashing liquid mixed with 10 g per 10 liters of hot water into the tank , beat together the fabric is inserted into the tank washing solution and twist lightly wipe the seat . 
When the fabric is stain to the cloth to wash the tank solution and damp cloth to wipe the seat again until no dirt stuck.

Cleaned with upholstery throughout Then remove the remaining liquid with a dry with a soft cloth. ( Liquid remaining will negatively affect film coated seat leather) .  

Cleaned on site and smudges of occur as a ballpoint pen. Clean the following.

Method 1

     Dishwashing liquid mixed with warm water to a concentration of 30% (300c) 10 liters into the tank, then beat to combine.
     Put down the laundry detergent in the tank. Then twist the cloth to wipe the seat.
     When the fabric is dirt To bring clothes to the laundry detergent in a bucket, then wring the cloth. Wipe the pad again Cloth until no stain remains.
     To remove residual detergent by wiping it dry with a soft cloth. If the stain persists, use Method 2.

Method 2

1. Cleaning car seat leather with seat leather cleaner. (Purchased from general stores) coated with a soft, dry cloth. Gently wipe smudges
2. Working solution that eliminates residue by wiping with cotton wool. The remaining liquid is bad for the film-coated leather upholstery.

In cases that require cleaning seat leather upholstery. Should start with mild detergent before following.
1. Liquid multipurpose
2. Cleaning leather upholstery.
3. Alcoholic wash wound
4. respectively.



1. Banned substance destruction (Solvent) wipe smudges.
2. Prohibited clean When the temperature is higher than the seat 500C (50 degrees euthanasia).
3. Banned check with a rough surface.

By http://carcaretrick.blogspot.com/ 

Easy Car Care Tips. Car Check Low Cost.

Roll all Car care considered What is crucial here. The first thing you will have is to prolong the use of your car. Second save in maintenance costs low, so then we have to take care of this car simple but effective too. Always car check to reduce low costs.

 1.Tire pressure

Visually inspected the tires all 4 lines are proper voltage or not. If possible , check the spare tire well. I tire of each wheel may not be equal. This will affect the balance of the car. Noticed while you are driving , you touch the brakes. To keep the car off the line, which is the origin of the accident itself. And may shorten the life of the tire . So you may have to pay more money in the pockets before the time to write. Thus, if the tire pressure is not equal to or fill in the measurement . The manufacturer sets the standard

 2. Water and oil leaks

For leakage, You can then visually inspected it. If a wheel and a brake fluid leak . Must immediately cease use And immediately consult If the cooling water leak or drip (Pink ) to find out the source of the leak to find. If any of your joints , try to use a screwdriver or wrench to tighten the oil is leaking . Transmission fluid or gear oil is not complacent here. When you have time to come check the car to the service center. For further security mechanisms such .

3. Cooling system

How to check it is not hard to do , just open the radiator cap off ( Caution: be open during cold engine only) if it is found that water depletion less is to find clean water fill to fit the required level. For vehicles without the radiator cap , make sure it's the pot of water if the water is not a given , do not fill. But if it's low , open the lid and fill the water to the full . Water cooling, do not ignore it. If dry, water may result in your engine wear out faster and may damage it.

 4. Oil lubricant

Maintaining the Need Oil lubricant level to level set , because if Oil lubricant diminished or dried to make. Internal engine wear How to check the oil level , it's not complicated at all. Gauge steel just pull out wipe clean, then put the pressure on to the original position ( to the top ) and pull it straight out vertically to observe the oil level of oil stains . Perched at the tip of the iron Oil must be struck between the letters L and F if L is low , fill to the required level and should not be filled beyond the letter F because it makes white smoke . Sluggish acceleration engine out and can cause seals inside the engine. Damaged ones too Which is not good for the engine here. Therefore, it should be added to fit a standard Oil lubricant manufacturers set it to extend engine life and performance of the engine.

 5. brake

If the oil level , brake fluid level drop is attributed to the two cases: 1. Brake . 2 brake fluid leak at some point . Immediately put the car into a service center to a mechanic to check out urgently . However, if you are adding brake fluid , be careful bays then I paint the color of your car is damaged. But if six was immediately doused with water as soon as possible to dilute it. This brake system is a critical system you should not overlook. Because that is your life and your family too. If there is a problem to be solved as soon as possible .

Car Care of yourself is not difficult. Just use your eyes checked , you'd know that the only point malfunction . Promptly and can fix it Before they escalate to the point. Apart from the car checked manually . Bringing the car to check periodically and replace parts as automobile manufacturers that assignment. Is another way to reduce costs and extend the lifetime of your car is not the end , this is all you readers lucky and happy with the motorists see you .   

By  http://carcaretrick.blogspot.com/ 

Easy Car Care Tips. Important Air filter.

Typically, the air in the car will work without a fan (Blower) blow air to the evaporator (Evaporator) the wind will carry the cooling coils of air. to passengers (Some systems will provide an exhaust fan to blow the cold by the public) when used infrequently, such as pollen, dust, dirt and debris, leaves, grass, hair, fur is attached to the evaporator to the result.

The wind blew gently air passengers not to rush cold air fan. Accelerated cooling more As a result, the engine work harder.

Dirt and germs Accumulated in the evaporator Passengers to creep Cause nasal allergy symptoms in some people.

Dirt on those islands Evaporator lot. Sometimes frozen island At normal use, it is not anything.

But when it's time to clear the air. It turns out that the evaporator leak (about 30-40% and based on the dirty-air) because these impurities. Evaporator Panel to corrosion caused by leaking dust. Those in caulk But after air impurities caulk them be washed away evaporator leak. The air conditioner not cooling

Thus automotive engineers have devised solutions Air Filter for dust evaporator. Designed to allow the air to enter the Filter Air Filter filters dirt. Before entering the evaporator.

Benefits of Installing Air Filter.

- To filter dust, pollen and mold spores in the air, which is causing the allergy.
- Help extend the useful life of the air conditioner evaporator is tons of dust extends to clear the air .
- Help extend the useful life of the compressor . Because the air can no dust cooling faster. As a result, Air compressors work less.
- Reduce noise from the removable Eid Aad - out. McCall's Soul to clear the air in the car.( Clear the check reconstruction may tear loose , not tight like the original ) .
- Making cushions and neck Sol in cars not dull quickly. The dust in the air

By  http://carcaretrick.blogspot.com/ 

Easy Car Care Tips. 10 Techniques maintain engine.

Maintenance is an important aspect which requires high investment . But it is a worthwhile investment Improves the performance of the engine, fuel and prolong the lifespan of the engine. A common problem that is often found with the engine is over-heating rate. Which may extend to many other problems such as heat rises suddenly , the engine noise , the engine slows viscosity , and fuel consumption problems than usual. Issue is linked to the performance of other components on the car as well , we have a simple care instructions . You can do it 10 Techniques maintain engine as follows .

1.Oil is the most important factor for car engines. The weather is going to be effective. Should be changed every 4,000 to 9,000 miles, and check the oil level every time to fill dwindling.

2.Check air filter If dust or other foreign matter in the air filter. Immediately changed immediately This may cause the engine to function freeze.

3.When deciding on a replacement Be sure that using genuine parts. No fake parts reliability, which is incompatible with the engine. And may cause engine damage.

4.Fuel clean energy Stability can help prevent fuel oil residues.

5.To the engine performance. Battery should be checked periodically.

6.Bat Boxes battery should be free from dust or blockages. If you find a leak or dust on the surface of bat boxes lottery. Immediately changed immediately

7.Car engines includes print belt driven engine and belt consists Sir Payne Times. The pumps are driven And automotive parts If you find old or broken, replace immediately. This may cause the engine to stop.

8.Check the brake fluid, engine oil, engine coolant, steering fluid, and transmission fluid. To a level that has been set. Oil level Have helped extend the life of your engine.

9.Check the spark plugs When to change Damaged spark plugs can cause engine problems. This will also prevent the other repairs. To be followed by another

10.If you find that the engine noise To bring the car into the center to check the internal mechanism. To ensure that the engine has been repaired correctly.


10 Techniques maintain engine would just make your new car and used regularly.

By http://carcaretrick.blogspot.com/